

In making this film, we were hit hard with the realization that our society excludes people with disabilities every day. There is a 75% unemployment rate for people who are blind in this country. This is a diversity issue which goes to the heart of our humanity. How can we shift the paradigm to value people like Michelle who have different abilities, talents, and perspectives? We must bridge the ocean of fear and misunderstanding that isolates and dehumanizes people considered as “other.”

This is a film about empathy at a time when we need it most. We have to unlearn our attitudes about what is normal. Different is beautiful. Everybody deserves the right to be themselves.

Use the hashtag #HackNormal to tell the world how you “unlearn normal” in your life. Tag @BestandMostFilm and we’ll share it even wider. Embrace your inner outcast!


BRING THE FILM AND MICHELLE TO YOUR COMMUNITY! We are booking screenings around the world, so let us know if your school, organization or local theater would like to show BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS. We are also raising funds for Michelle Smith to travel with the film and connect directly with audiences about her experience. If you’d like to support her efforts, please DONATE or be in touch for other ways you can help.